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Ron Edmondson

Jesus Loves the Little Children: Reflection from Sierra Leone

By Children, Church, Encouragement, Family, Missions

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

I understand the heart of Jesus for children even more from my time in Sierra Leone.

The innocence of children was evident to us in every village we visited. The children would run to us, swarm around us, and follow our every move. They were sponges for the love of God. They were filled with joy and excitement…always seeming to anticipate more.

I was reminded that children are the future of this great country in Africa. The children of Sierra Leone…

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Pray and Work: Encouragement During Difficult Days of Ministry

By Call to Ministry, Church, Church Planting, Encouragement, Leadership

I was encouraged recently reading the story of Jehu in 2 Kings 9. Jehu was anointed king over Israel. At first glance, that sounds like a glamorous position, but when we read the entire story we find that before Jehu could rule his kingdom, he had to first battle to do so. (I think King David had a similar difficult experience prior to becoming king.)

I shared in an earlier post about Nehemiah. In Nehemiah 4:9 we read that while Nehemiah prayed asking God to protect the work he was doing, he also did what he knew to do….he posted guards to keep watch over their work.

Those two passages, and others throughout the Bible of men and women who responded to God’s call, remind me that God’s will for my life isn’t simply to wait for Him to deliver me. Often God’s will includes hard days of waiting for His plan to be revealed. The fact that ministry is difficult at times, doesn’t imply that I am not in the center of God’s will for my life. The opposite may be truer.

You may have been anointed for the job you’ve been given, but we should never assume that because God asked us to do the task that completing it will be easy. Part of our calling is often to find the faith to keep moving forward, even when the obstacles seem insurmountable.

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Advice for Men after the Wife Says the Marriage is Over

By Christians, Encouragement, Fear, Marriage, Prayer

After I have answered a question too many times to count, I figure more people have the same question. One of the issues I see frequently is what happens to men when their marriage caves in around them and their wife no longer wants the marriage to work. This could be because of simple neglect over the years or an affair, but she wants out and he wants her to stay. When this happens, a man often becomes a vulnerable puppy of a man and literally doesn’t’ know what to do next. I’ve sadly seen it so many times. It could be his fault or her fault, but at this point, the man just wants to save his marriage.

Here are a few suggestions I gave even recently to a man in this situation. Although this is a personal reply to one man, I believe it may have application for many men in this situation. One thing needs to be clear, however; you must own your decision. You know your situation far better than anyone else. These suggestions are based on experience with dozens of marriage situations:

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Be a “Can Do It” Person!

By Business, Church Planting, Encouragement, Life Plan

Don’t be a “can’t do it” person…Be a “can do it” person…

Some people are just naturally wired to kill other people’s dreams. Others live in a world of caution and fear, never wanting to take a risk…always opting for the safest side of the street. Sometimes that’s not in an attempt to be negative, but just the way a person is wired…

I realize there is a place for the questioner…There are people inclined to find holes in an idea in an attempt to strengthen it (I use this tactic sometimes.)

I am not advocating running blindly…I’m not impressed when someone comes to me with an idea with no intent to critically think about it, set goals and objectives, or develop a plan to accomplish the idea…

I like common sense….


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10 Questions with Leader Brad Lomenick – Catalyst

By Business, Church, Church Planting, Interviews, Leadership, Organizational Leadership

Brad Lomenick leads the Catalyst Leader team that is helping to shape the leadership culture in many churches today. Before leading the charge on Catalyst, he helped lead a cool magazine called Life@Work and did consulting with lots of companies. Brad’s position with Catalyst gives him access to some great leaders. I thought it would be interesting to hear from his perspective on leadership. You can follow Brad on Twitter HERE.

Here are 10 questions with Brad Lomenick:

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