Tweet Are you easy to follow as a leader? In other words – are you followable? Followable may not be a Scrabble approved word – or even a word, but…
Tweet Are you easy to follow as a leader? In other words – are you followable? Followable may not be a Scrabble approved word – or even a word, but…
Tweet Are you an easy to follow leader? I might ask – are you followable? Followable may not be a Scrabble approved word – or even a word, but the…
Tweet It’s Christmas season again. Seems to come every year about this time. The most wonderful time of the year. I hope this is your best Christmas ever! There’ll be…
Tweet Having been a church planter twice, I understand the unique challenges facing planters. They are constantly struggling with leadership issues, finances and simply knowing what to do next. I’d…
Tweet Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. As the song goes, “it’s the most wonderful time of the year“. But Christmas can be a time of loss –…
Tweet But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today a…
Inactivity rarely produces anything…
Waiting on God doesn’t always mean doing nothing…
Jesus said, “My time has not yet come” (John 2:4)… He was in a time of waiting…yet He continued to act on what He could do…
Do what you know to do today…
Take initiative towards change you know you should make…
In Joshua 3 they had to get in the water before it started to part…You may have to get in the water first, before you start to see results…
Create action…it is often then God begins to reveal the destination He is taking you towards…
What action do you need to take today?
Tweet Do you want to know if a leader has high character? You simply have to observe them long enough. We demonstrate whom we really are by what we really…
I can imagine the “wonder” going on in Bethlehem shortly after the birth of Christ. There was great wonder in the naming of this baby. Jesus, which means “salvation of God”, was not something someone like Joseph and Mary typically would have named their son. Talk about high hopes for your children!
Tweet I’ve often heard people say you can’t measure discipleship. I don’t know if that’s true. It is certainly true you can’t necessarily put a number or percentage on discipleship…