Tweet I want to share some quick reminders for pastors during Christmas season. You already know all of these, but sometimes we get so busy with all the season’s activities…
Tweet I want to share some quick reminders for pastors during Christmas season. You already know all of these, but sometimes we get so busy with all the season’s activities…
One of the toughest jobs in the church is that of being a pastor’s wife. No doubt I have one of the best in Cheryl. (I would say the best, but I have a co-pastor and he has an excellent one also!) Cheryl has a full-time professional job, is an excellent mom and wife, but the demands on her as my wife are often overwhelming. Still she handles it with grace and a smile.
Tweet Ron – What do you think are some of the most frustrating things pastors experience? This post, and the opposite one before it, (7 Exciting Things Pastors Experience) began…
Tweet God builds the church, but He uses people to build it. So, a good question might be, what kind of church member does God use to build a great…
Tweet This is a tribute to the moms without children – of their own. I’ve posted this thought a number of times through the years, because I’m always sensitive to…
Tweet Would you like to be more thankful? I mean – like truly appreciate the things you have now. And doesn’t the world need this example from believers? I find…
Tweet I have a few suggestions for pastors as you prepare for Christmas services. I often have said to our staff that “Christmas is the new Easter”. It isn’t something…
Tweet I can offer one simple tweak to enjoy leadership – and life – more. Are you stressing so much about things that are happening — or not happening —…
Tweet Want a guaranteed better Thanksgiving? Perhaps even the best Thanksgiving ever? I actually believe Thanksgiving may be one of the most “Christian” holidays we can celebrate. As followers of…
Jesus taught His disciples how to build the church. The chief goal would be to love people no one else loved, even when they were not very lovely. We have tried to plant a church with that philosophy. Along the way we have discovered what Jesus learned in working with religious leaders in His day. (See Matthew 16:5-12) When you reach genuine hurting people, the complainers will rise up, mostly among the most religious of people, and when these type people talk, their negative energy (yeast) spreads fast.