Tweet What is your leadership capacity? Have you found it yet? I use the term leadership capacity to describe a leader’s maximum potential to effectively lead others to accomplish the…
Tweet What is your leadership capacity? Have you found it yet? I use the term leadership capacity to describe a leader’s maximum potential to effectively lead others to accomplish the…
I once wrote that growth covers over a multitude of problems. (Read that post HERE.) I know many organizations and people that mistakenly believe for a time (before it catches up with them) that busyness means things are moving in the right direction. That may or may not be true, but success always depends more on the type of activity than on the quantity of activity.
Tweet I’ve watched people in organizations – in government, business, nonprofits, and, sadly, far too often in the church — some leaders (people) simply stay too long. Leader, leave before you…
Tweet There are common excuses I have heard – and made – when the race gets difficult on the way to the finish line in a race – and in…
Tweet I can offer one simple tweak to enjoy leadership – and life – more. Are you stressing so much about things that are happening — or not happening —…
Tweet Some words everyone needs to hear. Words are powerful. As leaders, the words we use make a huge difference in the organizations we lead. In my post about life-giving…
After a recent staff meeting, I was thinking about what makes our team at Grace Community Church healthy. I’ve written about healthy teams before HERE and HERE among other posts. I think healthy teams are intentionally created, so I’m consistently trying to make our environment better. My current thoughts have led me to believe that in our case, it’s as much about what we don’t have on our team as what we do have.
I think our team works well together because we get along well with each other. (Most of the time.) It may have to do with what we check at the door when we spend time together.
Here are 7 things healthy teams check at the door:
Tweet Leader, you need a consistent rhythm of breaks – whatever that looks like for you. Certainly the weekend can help. It will be an even better weekend if you…
Tweet Leader, do yourself and the organization you love a favor. Leave before you have to leave. I’ve learned watching people in organizations over the years. I’ve seen it in…
Tweet Sometimes the smallest changes to our life reap the biggest results. In fact, I often recommend these small additions to a person’s day and people have told me they…