Leader, do yourself and the organization you love a favor. Leave before you have to leave.
I’ve learned watching people in organizations over the years. I’ve seen it in government, business, and, sadly, far too often in the church.
Some people stay too long.
Does this sound cruel? I don’t mean it to, but they do. They stay beyond their welcome. Beyond their usefulness. Beyond their ability to make a positive impact.
So, I have some advice.
Leave before you have to leave.
- When you are tired of the vision
- If you can’t support the leadership
- When you have no heart left to give the organization
- If you consistently struggle to stay motivated
- When you are pulled towards something else
Certainly, if you feel God is freeing you to move elsewhere
Leave before you have to leave.
Don’t be forced out because you’re too stubborn, scared, or have a false sense of loyalty. You’ll do more harm to your reputation, your attitude and the organization during the miserable days.
And it may be you need a rest – a sabbatical – but the point of this post is to do the right thing – for you and the organization. Never stay for a paycheck, or a false sense of loyalty, or because you’re afraid to walk again by faith.
Do the right thing.
If you haven’t had a chance, check out my new website design and my 5T Leadership offerings. One thing I love helping leaders do is managing the transitions in their leadership and life. Let me know if I can help you.
Hi Ron when someone you love so dearly to be part of your ministry team. Who is new in your church and while you are still trying to find a way to settle doctrinal difference. Suddenly he tells you he is quiting what should you do.
It's always tough when you lose a good team member. I wrote a post about responding to that one time.
I think 10 years should be the term limit for any leader. That way they understand that part of their job is to prepare for the next leader. Great post.
Thanks for reading and the comment. You've certainly had experience with transitions too! Interesting perspective.