Tweet Today I had a humbling experience. I’ve learned that humility is an art. Pride is easier to attain than humility. Throughout God’s Word He tells us how much He…
Tweet My mind started racing Sunday afternoon. I tried to take a nap, but I couldn’t get these thoughts out of my head. I woke up with the same thoughts…
Tweet I read lots of business magazines and blogs. I find it helps me with my own management skills. I also believe the Bible teaches us some great leadership principles. …
Tweet Have you ever read something and wish you hadn’t? That just happened to me. While researching for message prep I stumbled on this blog post. It’s not “new” information,…
Tweet Today at Starbucks I encountered someone having a very bad day. As I sat outside with my friend Rog for our every Thursday morning meeting, listening to the birds chirp…
Tweet God is at work even beyond the four walls we call our church. Sometimes we miss the big picture of what God is doing or wants to do through…