Tweet There is one quick way to spur organizational change. I have practiced this one for years and it almost always triggers change. It has worked in business, government and…
Tweet There is one quick way to spur organizational change. I have practiced this one for years and it almost always triggers change. It has worked in business, government and…
Tweet Some policies are written for all the wrong reasons. In her book “Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands”, Nancy Ortberg talks about the need to differentiate between “a tension…
Tweet Through painful experiences, I’ve discovered why many policies are written. In her book “Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands”, Nancy Ortberg talks about the need to differentiate between “a…
Tweet One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen leaders make is forgetting everyone doesn’t think like the leader. To lead well, I need to hear from different people. I have…
Tweet When you allow someone to help you. When you are in pain. When you are in the midst of a trial. When you are overwhelmed with more to do…
Tweet Do you want to know the fastest way to encourage change? I have practiced this one for years and it almost always triggers change. It has worked in business,…
Tweet When it doesn’t make sense to people… People often complain. While speaking at a conference in a major city several years ago we treated ourselves to a nice restaurant….
Tweet As a pastor, I had a strong conviction about staff members in regards to one way they should spend their time. I often encouraged our staff to volunteer somewhere…
Tweet In her book “Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands”, Nancy Ortberg talks about the need to differentiate between “a tension to be managed and a problem to be solved“….
Tweet I remember returning from Africa late one Sunday night. I was physically exhausted, but emotionally energized, so I hit the floor running at full speed Monday morning. I had…