Tweet What are some principles for healthy discipline of children? That’s a question I’m consistently asked about as pastor. I am not an expert – and every family is unique,…
Tweet What are some principles for healthy discipline of children? That’s a question I’m consistently asked about as pastor. I am not an expert – and every family is unique,…
Tweet I love being a dad. I have a lot of titles, but this is one of my favorites. What if we reverse the role this Father’s Day? What if…
Tweet Occasionally a young father will come to me wanting to know how to be a better husband or father. One thing they specifically ask is how to make the…
I am asked dozens of questions about what we did or didn’t do as parents. I am amazed that God has allowed us to raise the two young men we have in our house, but there were a few principles we practiced consistently.
Here are three principles for parenting I think all parents should consider:
Tweet Our boys are grown. Cheryl and I enjoy empty-nesting. I remember a few times when the boys were little that we were stuck at the house and couldn’t go…
Tweet It’s a simple principle, but oh so important to remember. It’s a principle true in leadership and life. When you don’t remember it you fail to get the results…
Tweet I’ve written extensively about protecting the family in ministry. My wife has occasionally guest posted about the unique role of the pastor’s wife on this blog. Some of the…
Tweet One of our boys has always been a deep thinker. When he was 3 years old watching a movie with him was a chore, because he would analyze every…
Tweet Cheryl and I had a model for our parenting. Whenever I say that to people they hear “complicated”. It wasn’t. We aren’t complicated people. Simply put, we attempted to…
Tweet I was talking to another dad. We were comparing notes. Both of us are empty nesters. We equally recognized that being the parent of adult children is sometimes more…