Tweet After years of working with marriages, including my own, I’ve come to a conclusion. A struggling marriage is often lacking one key ingredient – acts of grace. When applied appropriately,…
Tweet After years of working with marriages, including my own, I’ve come to a conclusion. A struggling marriage is often lacking one key ingredient – acts of grace. When applied appropriately,…
If a pastor is not careful, the weight of everyone else’s problems will take precedence over the issues and concerns of his immediate family. I see it frequently among pastors I encounter. There have been seasons of my ministry where this is the case, especially on abnormally stressful days.
I decided years ago when I was a small business owner, serving in an elected office and on dozens of non-profit boards that my busyness would never detract from my family life.
Here are 7 ways I attempt to protect my family from the stress of ministry.
Tweet The Christmas season can be hard on relationships. As a pastor, I can’t tell you how many times I met with a couple after the holidays because of problems…
Tweet Cheryl and I are in a good season of life and marriage. In many ways it is a stressful season with work, family demands, and constant transition, but it…
Tweet One of the consistent barriers I have seen in having a strong marriage is the way the couple deals with outside influences. It could be friends, family, work, or…
Tweet When I’m talking to a pastor or other leader who has accepted a new position or is in a time of transition – after I hear the excitement in…
Tweet I’ve written previously about the first seven years of marriage. We don’t know why necessarily — I have some theories — but the years between 6 and 8 of…
Tweet It’s a simple principle, but oh so important to remember. It’s a principle true in leadership and life. When you don’t remember it you fail to get the results…
Tweet I’ve written extensively about protecting the family in ministry. My wife has occasionally guest posted about the unique role of the pastor’s wife on this blog. Some of the…
Tweet The WHAT Test. Over the years, I have found numerous uses for this simple strategy of thought. The WHAT Test is an acronym of steps to force you to…