I am thankful for the women that bring their family to church every Sunday alone, because their husbands will not come. I know that many of those women have one great prayer request; that their husband would become a believer and/or assume the role of spiritual leadership in the home. Having walked through this with many families over the years, I would like to share some suggestions of things I have seen that work for wives in helping to wind their husband for Christ.
I spent most of my career in the business world. I was always extremely active and in leadership roles in church and other civic activities, but I earned my living in a for-profit environment. During those years, as an outsider looking in, I believed non-profits had so much to learn from the world of business.
Yesterday I shared a message on a familiar story. We use Truthcasting to archive our video messages. I’m thankful they no longer require you to login to view. Watch yesterday’s message here.
Here is a principle I have learned in years of ministry and life experience.
Everything is relative to the context in which you live.
Operation Serve! What an experience! I am so thankful to be a part of Grace Community Church and for all that serve! Let’s not allow this to be a once a year experience. Find ways to continue to take Christ’s love to the streets of our community!
Adam Bayne is out new children’s pastor. He’s a nut and has added a whole new element to our staff. Check out his latest video he’s using to inspire children to love church. Crazy! (Adam’s the pirate BTW.)
As a church planter concerned about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but consistently meeting people who have no interest in what they believe Christianity to be, this appears to be an important movie. My friend Michael Hyatt was the first to recommend this movie, which would be enough to encourage me to watch it. After watching the trailer, there is no question I will put this movie on my “must see” list.
Are you bringing new ideas to your organization, church, or the place where you work?
I love Southwest’s magazine. I always find interesting articles to kill time during flights. This month was no exception. I am glad that let you bring these magazines home. (They do, don’t they?)
Do you harness the greatest power in your organization? The best assets of your church, business or non-profit never appear on your balance sheet.