I read a strong reminder for those of us that have the responsibility of preaching God’s Word, but I think it’s applicable for all of use. These are Jesus words to us from The Message Version.
There is one incredibly important characteristic of a successful team or organization. It is inherent and cannot be trained or programmed. With this trait a team can weather the storms of life together. When this is an attribute of an organization, regardless of the struggles it encounters, the vision can be accomplished.
In the Biblical days of Solomon, bird hunters would spread a net on the ground, baited with food for the birds. As the birds would fly down for dinner, the hunters would pull up the nest quickly, capturing many of the birds. Birds are smarter than one might think, though. If they saw the hunters laying down the nets, they wouldn’t land and so they wouldn’t be caught by the trap.
I have taken a lot of personality profile assessment. This is a new one. Here’s what happened when I took the Personality Pattern assessment:
Recovering after a mistake or a fall is what keeps a lot of people from ever accomplishing much in life. Failure does not have to stop you from achieving your dreams and goals. A lot of bouncing back depends on your response to the fall.
By all practical standards if I live a normal life, at the current age of 45 years, I’m at or past middle age. Maybe it doesn’t happen to everyone like this, but my middle age crisis has caused me to reflect on life thus far… (Certainly better than some crises I have heard)
Grace Community Church was born September 11, 2005. Four years later, people from all over the world dropped by to share birthday wishes. We shared these at church on Sunday.
I keep a notepad handy to write down thoughts and questions I have about life. Sometimes they become Twitters…sometimes they get expanded and made into blog posts…and sometimes they sit in my notepad waiting for attention. Here’s a collection of the latter.
This is a powerful video in terms of the impact of social media in our society. Thanks to my friend Scott Williams for sharing it with me first.
We have had a busy season at Grace Community Church. Fall is the time of year when most churches ramp up their ministries, which tracks with back-to-school schedules and the change to cooler weather. Our church has been in a fast growth mode since day one, but we seem to be in a unique place of extraordinary growth right now. In addition to this growth we are launching new small groups, a college ministry, gearing up for our annual community outreach ministry, and adding a third service, along with numerous other changes occurring this fall, some that we are not ready to talk about yet. Some days it seems we have just enough energy to get through another week and all our time is focused on the next Sunday.