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10 Random Thoughts and Questions About Life

By September 16, 2009Culture

I keep a notepad handy to write down thoughts and questions I have about life.   Sometimes they become Twitters…sometimes they get expanded and made into blog posts…and sometimes they sit in my notepad waiting for attention.  Here’s a collection of the latter:

  1. Mentoring and life coaching appears to becoming more popular.  Does this indicate some growing need in our culture?
  2. In spite of the economy’s struggles, people seem to look for ways to give to others.  Could that be a part of the human spirit God designed?
  3. It seems like the role of government continues to grow, but the trust in government doesn’t.
  4. People are looking for answers more than ever, but answers (apart from Christ) are harder to find.
  5. The average marriage in “trouble” could be greatly improved with two people willing to humble themselves.
  6. We keep finding ways to live longer. Are we really finding ways to live better?
  7. We continue to seek simplicity in life, but the world continues to get more complex.
  8. Americans are becoming more conservative with their finances.  If we had displayed this attitude earlier could we have avoided some of the economic mess of today?
  9. If couples put as much energy into their marriage as they do into things of less importance, most marriages would thrive.
  10. God seems to take pleasure in stretching my mind and imagination.

What are some random thoughts and questions going through your mind these days?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Mrs. W. says:

    In the last month I have enjoyed more of God’s presence than I have for years. God is restoring something in me that I thought was pretty much lost. My random thoughts seem to go in the direction of how very gracious that God is. He is more gracious than I thought He was. Another thought includes the idea from Rev. 3:20 that He pursues time with me. I can’t seem to wrap my mind around that one, but I enjoy it as well.

  • A comment on No. 7… it's actually probably that as we get older and wiser, the more we realise it's not as simple as we thought.
    .-= Nathan Edwards´s last blog ..Race Report: BC West Thames @ Hillingdon =-.

    • Ron says:

      Nathan, you are probably right.

      Paula, I love the passion for health! When I am healthy and feel better I am so much more productive for the Kingdom!

  • My current thought I’m pondering: Now that I’m in the fitness industry, I notice people’s health and lifestyles more and more (including mine and my bad habits.) I can’t help but wonder why so many people deny themselves the attention and get so far out of shape or dare I say the word “obese”? Don’t they realize how much more they could enjoy their lives? How much trouble they cause their family (in the case of overly obese people)? And why can’t I reach them all and help them change their habits? I want to help everyone! (I imagine it’s a similar struggle being a pastor as well!)
    .-= Paula Roberts´s last blog ..Let’s Talk Pizza =-.

  • Jim says:

    so , are you using a Moleskine notepad? I use Evernote on my laptop and Blackberry to record notes.