When I meet with people who have made mistakes in life in my role as a pastor, I am always less concerned with where they have been or what they have done wrong. I am always more concerned with where they want to go in life and how dedicated they are to get there. My dad is an example of someone that wants to end well. I believe his legacy will prove he achieved his goal.
Grace Community Church was four years old yesterday. Happy Birthday! We will celebrate it tomorrow by asking our people to sacrifice more and serve the city of Clarksville by offering a third service for the first time. If you do not have a church home join us at 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30 AM at Rossview High School. You can find directions HERE.
One of the toughest jobs in the church must be the role of pastor or minister’s spouse. Recently Cheryl (my spouse) completed a Bible study on her own that she felt was very helpful to her. She believes it will be helpful for other ministry spouses. If her schedule will ever allow it she would love to lead a group of area wives through this study. I decided since it was valuable enough for my wife that I would like to interview one of the authors.
Today, maybe even for just a couple moments, I am reminded that I can take God all my burdens…He can handle them without fret, with complete patience, and without getting angry at my insufficiencies.
I am trying to do a leadership perception survey. I have been in leadership positions for over 20 years, but part of this time I have also had a leader to whom I reported. Recently I have been working with some churches and businesses facing leadership issues and problems. From my observation, many times the problem is the different perception of leadership and what a leader should or shouldn’t do between leaders and followers.
It doesn’t get any better than this. Standing on the streets of Chicago saying goodbye to Nate was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Reading this kind of Twitter reminds me why he’s at Moody.
In the midst of an incredibly huge decision recently I happened one morning to read 1 Kings 12. I love when God points me to the exact Scripture I need at the moment.
As a suggestion from a reader, I am adding more links to my blog. I am using the following criteria
Perhaps you have been trying to “help yourself” so that God would “help you”? Why not be still, do nothing, wait on the Lord, and let Him help you, in His timing and with His plan, just because you are His child! The greatest way you can help yourself, might be to humble yourself before the God who wants to bless you.
Recently I added an online survey to my blog to find out a little about my readership. You can still take the survey HERE. I appreciate all the responses. There was about 50% of the average daily readership to answer the survey; so statistically speaking I feel I have a good cross representation of the readers.