Grace Community Church was four years old yesterday (September 11). Happy Birthday! We will celebrate it tomorrow by asking our people to sacrifice more and serve the city of Clarksville by adding to our morning schedule with a third service. If you do not have a church home join us at 8:30, 10:00 or 11:30 AM at Rossview High School. You can find directions HERE.
There is often a huge misunderstanding about church planting that needs to be understood. For four years I have heard phrases and questions from churched people, offered in a well-meaning desire to know or put a meaning behind why a new church was needed in Clarksville, even after hundreds have come to know Christ as their personal Savior who had never given church a chance. The real truth is that I was not upset with any church. In fact, I actually love tradition and I ran from pursuing this vision for years because I didn’t want to leave my church or start another one. My family and many friends still attend the church I grew up in. I love that church even today and I am most thankful for the impact the church had on my life and still has in our city today. This was the story of most every churched person who chose to attend our church plant.
The misunderstanding people often have about church planting is this:
Most of the time church planting is NOT about what people are running from, but about what people are running to.
That is certainly my story. Our heart was then and is today to reach people no one else is reaching by creating environments no one else is creating. Our church is unique. We tell the same story of God’s love and Christ’s redemption in a different way. Is it for everyone? Absolutely not! Is it for some…absolutely! God has amazed us with how many!
Happy Birthday Grace and may your best days be still to come!
Love you, Grace! Through you God changed my life!
plant it…do it again…
.-= Jim´s last blog ..9/11 Twittumentary-Part 4 =-.
Happy Birthday Grace!!! We are so glad we found you!!! 🙂 We hope the Army lets us stick around for many more years!
.-= Renee Garcia´s last blog ..Kennedy and I… =-.
Happy Birthday Grace! And many more!
Congrats Ron, what a great day! I’m praying for you and Grace that tomorrow will be very special. Keep up the good work. I see Jeremiah 17:8 in your life, “He will be like a tree planted by water…its foliage remains green…it will not…cease to produce fruit.”
.-= Mac Lake´s last blog ..When It’s Just Not Working =-.