This is awesome. Probably a good idea they canceled! 🙂 Thanks to Failblog for sharing this. (Not sure if it’s staged or not, but still funny!)
Never underestimate the power of God’s intervention in your life. He uses broken, mixed up, hurting, fracture stories to mold and shape some of His greatest work.
* They fail
* Nothing changes
* They shine
* Why is God blessing your efforts?
* Who should most get the credit?
* What if no one recognizes your efforts, would you still be glad you did as much as you did?
This football season we have been able to participate in tailgate alley. In an attempt to get others involved, we have an exciting event coming up at our tent
I have always found it interesting that Rahab continued to be known as a harlot…a prostitute…a hooker… (Sorry for the crude word, but that probably best captures how she must have been viewed at one point in her life.)
Words are powerful…..
We were sharing stories in our weekly community group recently and half of us had experiences where words altered the path of our life.
As a former business owner, I recognize and appreciate good customer service. On our recent vacation to the Southwest, being free from the normal distractions of work, I was even more in tune with the good and bad of customer service we received. Perhaps it was because I was looking more closely than normal, but I honestly believe we saw extremes.
I was inspired while visiting the small town of Jerome, Arizona on our recent vacation to the Southwest. While Cheryl enjoyed some local shopping, I enjoyed perusing the streets discovering nuggets of the city’s rich history. Jerome began as a mining town. People came hoping to get rich off the minerals in the area, especially copper. When the mines dried up, the city nearly died. Jerome’s population went from a height of 15,000 in 1920’s to 50 people in the late 1950’s.
Martha was our concierge at the Sedona Real Hotel in Sedona, Arizona during our recent vacation. She helped us pick a restaurant and gave us some quick travel tips, in between helping dozens of other people in person and on the phone, all within thirty minutes before her quitting time for the day. It was obvious it had been a busy day, she was surely tired, but you couldn’t tell it from her disposition. Everyone she helped received the same excellent service.