I am not an advocate of blasting one’s struggles to everyone who will listen. I’m a private person myself. The truth is, however, that one person’s struggle helps another struggling with the same issue. It’s easier to identify with someone once you’ve experienced what he or she is experiencing. It is much more difficult to know how another person feels if you have never walked where he or she is walking.
This is a blessing to watch. What are you going through that you would have never asked for, but have no choice but to endure? You can choose to embrace the unknown by trusting God, or you can become bitter and resist the great things He can do through suffering. I look forward to watching as God continues to develop Colt McCoy’s life.
I’m older now than I used to be. I have aches I didn’t once have. My hair is more gray. Recently my youngest son said, “Hey Pops, you are starting to look old.” He doesn’t realize how much I’m starting to feel it also. It isn’t completely bad though. As I have entered what may be considered my “middle ages”, I am realizing some benefits from being the age that I am today.
Do churches need a marketing plan? I realize even using business language bother some church people, but personally, I think we need to learn to market our message. We are trying to tell people who do not necessarily want to hear our story about the love of a God they do not know. Sounds to me like we need a plan.
Part of growing an organization is delegating, or getting more people involved in the process of accomplishing the overall goals and objectives of the organization. It cannot be overemphasized that if you want to grow the organization, you must learn to delegate. The part of delegation, however, that many leaders have the hardest time doing is letting go of his or her right to control the work being delegated.
We are not a very formal organization at Grace Community Church. As our church and staff have grown, however, we have recognized the need for more structure. I try to keep an open door policy of leadership and frequently ask for input and try to provide feedback. I realize, however, that communication is one of the areas I continually need to improve upon, especially as our church grows larger.
None of us probably enjoys worrying, yet even Jesus must have recognized our tendency to worry, because He made it a point to challenge us not to worry. The simple truth is that living worry-free is very simple in theory, but it’s the practice of doing what we know to do that is hard for us. Still, in spite of the difficulty, are you up for a challenge? Let me encourage you to follow these steps to a worry-free 2010.
God was directing my path when Cheryl and I met. I was asking God to provide me with the right person for me in life and ministry. Although we dated almost 2 years, from the day I met Cheryl, I knew it was God’s will that we be together. God never skimps on His gifts and when God chose a wife for me, He knew exactly what He was doing.
I have always struggled to say that I make New Year’s resolutions. If you are like me, when you put a lofty expectation in place and shortly in the year you have already failed, it only leads to disappointment. That’s not a very encouraging system to me.
Develop or learn the system and it will make life easier and you’ll better enjoy the ride…