Discipline helps develop spiritual fruit, and I believe in practicing private disciplines that help grow your faith, but the discipline is not the goal, the fruit is the goal. Jesus didn’t say His followers would be known by the number of disciplines they can keep. Jesus said we would be known by our fruit.
I have only recently started following Jarrett Stevens closely, but I am instantly inspired by his vision. Jarrett has a pedigree resume, having served in key roles at Willow Creek Church and North Point Church. He is the author of The Deity Formerly Known as God. The part of his story that inspires me the most is his current venture. Jarrett and his wife Jeanne are leaving the comfort of the mega church to launch Soul City Church in Chicago. It is one of the most publicized and talked about starts of a church of which I have been aware.
Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The impact he had on society is plentiful, but, as a fellow preacher, I love that Dr. King made a difference at city hall, yet he never left his calling as a pastor. That passion encourages me to use my influence as a minister wisely.
Distrust and caution are the parents of security. 1733 Univ of Penn.
Whenever I talk about forgiveness grudges, hurt and past pains seem to surface in people’s lives. I will get emails, Facebook and Twitter direct messages confessing to scars and wounds being opened. In fact, the reaction to the topic of forgiveness is so tender for many, that it draws me back to the issue frequently.
I think, however, that Isaac, with his wisdom gained through years of experience, shared with his son an important truth. Once Esau grew weary of his unforgiving spirit and he finally offered Jacob forgiveness, and could be free to fully live again.
Personally speaking, the older I get the more I am concentrating on my weaknesses.
I know my strengths. I need to know what’s holding me back from being all God wants me to be. I like to surround myself with people that stretch me.
Tim is an amazing leader. His strategic thinking and rational approach to ministry has no doubt made a huge Kingdom impact at Granger and through his well-read blog. Tim probably barely remembers it, but when we were a very young church Tim helped me think through some issues in leadership I was dealing with at the time. It was invaluable. Recently I had the chance to sit with Tim in a strategic meeting and saw firsthand the excellence with which he leads.
By popular request,I am going to post more about marriages on this blog. Over the next few weeks or months, as long as I can stretch what I have learned, I will share some insight into marriage through a Monday Marriage Moment. Today’s focus is communication.
Sarah lived 127 years. That’s all. Period. End of the writing of her story on earth. Her memory would live on and we are still reading and talking about her today, but as far as altering her story she only had 127 years of days in which to write it.