Tweet Change takes time. There are no “quick fixes” in the world of change leadership. And there shouldn’t be. I’ve seen many leaders try to rush change through only to…
Tweet This is a reminder to leaders who are attempting to lead change. If you miss this one principle you can greatly damage the effectiveness of change or even your…
Tweet I have frequently preached on the danger of pride. If you follow this blog, you know I tend to think a great deal about leadership. I have a heart…
Tweet I have learned a secret to getting better results as a leader. It’s huge. When I interviewed Zig Ziglar years ago, he repeated this principle to me over and…
Tweet I am frequently asked how to spur momentum. Every leader wants it, yet it often seems hard to attain – and once we experience momentum we always want more….
Tweet Be aware of the elasticity of your heart. I’ve learned through hard lessons that a stretched heart never returns exactly the same. The Bible says, “Above all else, guard…
Tweet Cheryl and I were once on a long airplane flight. It wasn’t the longest flight we had been on by far, but it seemed longer than it was. We…
Tweet Do you want to know the fastest way to encourage change? I have practiced this one for years and it almost always triggers change. It has worked in business,…
Tweet I was once talking to a staff member of a large church who was so frustrated he was ready to quit. But he couldn’t. For a multiple of reasons,…
Inactivity rarely produces anything…
Waiting on God doesn’t always mean doing nothing…
Jesus said, “My time has not yet come” (John 2:4)… He was in a time of waiting…yet He continued to act on what He could do…
Do what you know to do today…
Take initiative towards change you know you should make…
In Joshua 3 they had to get in the water before it started to part…You may have to get in the water first, before you start to see results…
Create action…it is often then God begins to reveal the destination He is taking you towards…
What action do you need to take today?