Tweet I love leadership. I feel called to it. I realize the need for good leadership, but the fact is leadership is hard. In my last pastorate, I met regularly…
Tweet Leadership is not about having all the answers. One sign of a great leader — in my opinion — is to be bold enough to say, “I don’t have…
Tweet Over 25 years ago, I took a month to read through the book of Jeremiah. Two verses stood out to me then that have continued to produce spiritual growth…
I’m seeing and hearing more about controlling leadership lately. I regularly talk to young leaders through my blog and many of them feel they are working for one. The odd thing, however, is that many controlling leaders never really know they are one.
I’ve written about this form of leadership in previous posts:
10 Reasons Not to Call Yourself an Empowering Leader
Leading People Versus Controlling People
Are you still wondering if you might be one?
Here are 7 warning signs that you may be a controlling leader:
Tweet How do you know when it’s time to leave an organization? I have never been described as a quitter, but there comes a time for all of us when…
Tweet I was in a meeting once and someone on our team defined a leader as one who provides answers and direction to a team. I understood their concept. I…
Tweet A number of years ago I began thinking in terms of “tiers of leadership”. It was during the first year of a new position. I saw so many things…
Tweet It’s a simple principle, but oh so important to remember. It’s a principle true in leadership and life. When you don’t remember it you fail to get the results…
Tweet Here’s a warning I want to give to those who are currently not in a senior leadership position, but think they may want to be. I’m not trying to…
Tweet When I was in church revitalization, at least once a week a pastor contacted me about what we were doing. I always told them I was still learning, but…