Tweet I see part of my role as a senior leader as a developer of other leaders. As a pastor, as much as I was called to make disciples, I…
Tweet I see part of my role as a senior leader as a developer of other leaders. As a pastor, as much as I was called to make disciples, I…
Tweet Several years ago, I spent a coupe of hours with a group of young pastors. It was a cross representation of church planters and pastors of established churches. There…
Tweet I love organizational leadership. I especially love attempting to lead healthy organizations. I have been in both environments – healthy and non-healthy. I prefer healthy. If truth be told…
Tweet In my opinion, there are times when my leadership is better than others. I call them seasons. Seasons come and seasons go. Obviously, I would love for all of…
Tweet After a great day of teaching, Jesus faced the critics. And when Jesus had finished these parables, he went away from there, and coming to his hometown he taught…
Tweet I once was asked a genuine question by a young man entering a new job as an entry-level leader. He was ambitious and ready to lead, but his boss…
Tweet I think we waste a lot of time in change management that we really don’t have to waste. Here’s a time saving tip when you are considering a change. I’m…
Tweet When it doesn’t make sense to people… People often complain. While speaking at a conference in a major city several years ago we treated ourselves to a nice restaurant….
Tweet Now almost a year after serving as a full-time vocational pastor, I realize how many demands there were on the position. There are pressures from church members, staff, and…
Tweet Someone asked me a great question once. It came from a young pastor. He appeared to be doing a great job leading, but he wanted to do better. I…