Tweet I was once asked to help a church process how to get younger people to attend. After we discussed some change recommendations a man pulled me aside and said,…
Tweet I speak with churches often who want to grow and they contact me wanting for suggestions. It is very often a vision problem. The church actually has the clearest…
Tweet Most leaders want to improve. I hear from leaders weekly who want to get better in their role. They want to improve so the organization they lead can improve….
I’ve seen so many potentially great leaders waste opportunities because they wait for the perfect scenario before to develop as a leader…
Here’s a word to those who need to hear it…
You may not enjoy where you are currently in life or work…
You may not yet be in your dream job…
You may not respect the leader you are supposed to follow…
You may not plan to stay in your current work location…
You may not enjoy the people with whom you work…
You may be waiting for the right opportunity before you give your best effort…before you learn all you can…
What a mistake!
Tweet I’ve been called “the list guy.” I’m sure there are at least 7 reasons why. 🙂 Most of the time that’s not a bad thing. Sometimes I’m sure it…
Tweet This post is more real to me today than it was during my 16 years as a pastor. Pastor, have you ever heard? What is it you have to…
Pastor burnout is a common problem in the church today. I hear from pastors everyday facing the stress of ministry.
Here’s a common scenario that can cause that to happen…it may be the most common one I hear…perhaps this is your story:
Tweet I was meeting with a successful entrepreneur recently. He said something I found interesting and it caused me to further reflect. (Side note: These kind of comments are why…
Tweet There are two types of creatives I love to have on teams I lead. Sometimes I think we recognize the first one, but fail to appreciate the second type….
Tweet Have you ever made a bad decision in leadership? Of course, we all have. It is actually part of the way we grow as leaders. I’ve made many bad…