Here’s a warning I want to give to those who are currently not in a senior leadership position, but think they may want to be. I’m not trying to be cruel here. I am actually trying to be helpful.
Don’t Agree to Be the Senior Leader – Unless:
You are ready to lead alone at times – or at least feel like you are.
You aren’t striving for popularity, knowing every decision you make is unpopular to someone.
You can make hard decisions, even the ones involving people or conflict.
You attempt to see all sides of an issue.
You can admit when you are wrong.
You will not run from every conflict, but courageously lead to what is best for the organization.
You are comfortable with change and it energizes you to “think outside the box”.
You are okay when others receiving credit – even for something you initiated.
You can give others a voice, delegate leadership and truly empower others, believing things are better when other people help make decisions.
You won’t let criticism derail you for long, but stay committed to the task before you.
You can envision a better reality beyond today and help others join you by casting an engaging vision.
You genuinely love and value people and their contributions and are willing to serve more than you ever get to “lead”.
And _________?
Senior leaders – share yours.
(Granted, there are certainly senior leaders who may have “success” without all of these. I’m talking from experience – a little trial and error – and some of my own times of attempting to follow a senior leader. These are things I have seen work to attract retain, and see others flourish the best people.)
Unless you are willing to remain engaged in consistent accountability toward Godly counsel -of a few wise -rather than what is comfortable. (Peers in the same boat)
Yes. True
Thanks for another great post! I look forward to them.
I would add, “Dont agree to be the senior leader, unless you KNOW that God called you to that position!”
Sometimes knowing that I am called to do this is the only thing that gets me back up to do it again!! And helps me love every minute of it!!
Unless you're willing:
To fail
To challenge the perceived norms
To offer company altering suggestions
First he has a servant heart, a listening ear, humble, who experienced frustration, but stands firm because of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Not a novice, has only one wife in his life, loves his family, the body of Christ, fellow brethren and neighbor.
Good words.
Unless you are willing to allow failure. Unless you are willing to kill off "sacred cows". Unless you are willing to say "no" even when you want to say yes (or vice versa). Unless you are willing to support/stand up for your people. Unless you are willing to put people first, because they are people, not just because of what they can do for you.
Yes yes yes.
Unless you are willing to do the lowest of low jobs (scrubbing toilets, cleaning up after church suppers). This is where our pastor said he found leaders, and at the foot washing pan
this is a good, accurate list. This blog has helped my hubby and I so much! It is the only blog he reads
Awesome. Thank you so much. And I agree