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Ron Edmondson

We Are Different, Diversity Week 3

By Change, Culture, Innovation

We are all different. Yesterday I posted about whether a pastor could serve in political office…as expected…I got different opinions. (Read them HERE…and add your own.)

I’m learning to embrace diversity…not to run from it…

Throughout the year I’m going to ask some questions to see a difference of opinion. Here are this week’s questions:

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Scripture Memorization, Week 5

By Encouragement

In the year 2011, we memorized 52 verses from the Bible!

Will that be your line at the end of this year? I hope so!

We are into week 5 memorizing Scripture. If you’ve missed out so far, catch up by reading last week’s post HERE.

This week I share one of my all-time favorite verses. There is so much truth in this one verse that it could keep you occupied for days. You may want to read the entire context of this verse.

Here is this week’s memory verse:

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One Place I Receive Motivation

By Children, Encouragement, Family, Life Plan, Parenting

I always joke that Cheryl keeps pictures on her desk so she can look at the ones she loves, but I keep pictures on my desk so I don’t forget the people I love. (Don’t email me…it’s a joke…kinda!) Seriously, men and women are wired differently. I’m convinced there’s never a moment Cheryl is not thinking about her family. That’s why she’s so much better at remember special occasions and where we keep our favorite socks!

It’s not that I love Cheryl or the boys less than she loves us, but most men are more task-oriented than we are relationally oriented. When I’m in a zone of work, I’m not usually thinking about anything else. Sometimes though I like to stop, turn from my laptop, and receive motivation for why I do what I do. Apart from giving God glory with my life, my greatest motivation is to leave a strong legacy for my wife and two boys.

Today I was deep in thought, but I turned around and saw this picture. It was the spark I need to keep pushing forward.

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Movie: To End All Wars

By Culture, Encouragement

I was not familiar with this movie until Michael Bayne, our family pastor, pointed it out to me. Wow! The trailer makes me want to watch this movie.

The descriptions says:

A true story about four Allied POWs who
endure harsh treatment at the hands of their Japanese captors during World War II while being forced to build a railroad through the Burmese jungle. Ultimately they find true freedom by forgiving their enemies. Share this powerful story of
redemption with your friends.

Watch the trailer:

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3 Values of Teamwork

By Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

Recently I was asked a question regarding how we handle set-up on Sunday mornings. Grace Community Church meets in a school and so every Sunday morning staff and volunteers start arriving about 5:30 AM to prepare for the day. The specific question was whether we have one person who oversees all the set-up. The answer is no. We actually have a team of people responsible; with different people in each area of ministry.

Answering the question reminded me of the value of teamwork. I personally believe that the way we are doing this is best. I’m not opposed to one central leader, and in some situations that may be better, but with this task, I think the team approach is more efficient than one individual being in charge.

Here are 3 reasons I personally prefer a team approach for this function of our church:

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Common Struggles

By Culture, Encouragement, Uncategorized

The first sermon of the new year was a difficult one, because I encouraged our people to let go of some of the burdens they had been carrying in 2010. We wanted to start 2011 with a clean slate and make it a better year. I challenged people to write the one issue they wanted to leave behind on an index card. We captured those, and though they didn’t have names on them, we recorded the general issue to see what people in our church were dealing with this year. For me personally this is helping to shape the way I preach.

Here is a graph of the over 1,000 cards we collected:

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