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Ron Edmondson

The Art of Loyalty (Loving an Old Pair of Shoes)

By Culture, Encouragement

I’ve had these shoes for 20 plus years.

I’ve stitched up the sides a couple times.
I’ve replaced the soles…

I’ve worn these shoes on construction sites when I was in business…
I’ve preached in these shoes…

These shoes are falling apart now…
I’m about to make some hard decisions about whether to replace them…

I have to admit:
When it rains my feet get wet…
When it’s cold my feet freeze…

But I’ve been loyal to my old shoes a long, long time…

Maybe I should retire them but they’ve been good shoes many years…

Whenever I wear my shoes, I’m reminded of a culture change I’ve noticed…

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Scripture Memorization, Week 4

By Encouragement

Each week this year, we are learning another verse from the Bible together. So far we’ve learned (or attempted to learn) three verses.

How are you doing?

I won’t share them all each week, but at this point you could easily catch up with us, so here are the first few verses:

Week one: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23

Week two: In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Week three: You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Isaiah 26:3

This week is a continuation of last week’s thought process. This week’s memory verse is:

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Friday Discussion: Why People Don’t Attend Church

By Church, Culture

Let’s discuss church attendance today.

I specifically want to know why some people choose not to attend church.

I want to hear about your experiences, but I also want to hear your opinions.

One of my passions is the local church. I grew up in church and there’s never been a time in my life when I didn’t want to go to church.

Recently I was interviewed for a local online newspaper about the launching of our second campus. (You can read the article HERE.) In the article I stated a statistic that 86% of people in our county do not go to church. That’s what the latest numbers I’m hearing indicate. I didn’t make the number up, but I didn’t do the research either. Regardless of the accuracy of the number, no one who believes in church doubts that it is higher than we would like it to be.

So, today, I’m wonder why people don’t go to church.

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7 Reactions to Controlling Leadership

By Business, Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

Recently I was speaking with someone about their experience with a controlling leader. My friend said, “He’s just one of those humor him and move on kind of guys.” I thought to myself, “What a sad commentary to be said about one’s leadership!”

It reminds me of a similar experience I had with a controlling leader…

You see, I once had an idea…

It was a dream…a big vision…

I knew it would require risk, extra energies, and the assistance of others, but I was confident this was something worth pursuing…

I even felt it was a call of God for my life…

I was a volunteer for the organization, not an employee, but I had been given a certain amount responsibility and authority…

The only problem…

The leader of the organization was a controlling leader…

That fact alone changed the way I approached (or didn’t approach) the opportunity…

Many controlling leaders receive that kind of attention…

I’ve noticed from my own experience and watching others, that we tend to respond to controlling leaders by:

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We Are Different, Diversity Week 2

By Culture, Encouragement

year I’m doing some fun posts over select weekends in 2011 aimed at engaging my readership, but also learning from each other. The first one was a couple weeks ago. Read it HERE. I was leaving for Costa Rica and missed last week.

Some of these questions are serious and some are not. Read through the comments and see how different we are from each other.

The more comments…the more we get to see our differences.

Here are this week’s questions…

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