For years, I had a practice of committing Bible verses to memory. Over the years, I probably learned hundreds of Bible verses. I literally “hid God’s Word” in my heart. Whatever the excuse, I haven’t made that a part of my spiritual disciplines in the last few years. I think it’s time to bring the habit back and this time I want to invite you along.
Would you commit to memorizing one verse with me a week in 2011?
Here’s how this will work. Each Saturday I’ll post a new verse. You can write it on an index card to carry with you…or put it on your refrigerator…at your bedside…or maybe write it with an erasable marker on the mirror where you get ready each day. Whatever it takes to see it consistently throughout the week. You should recite it many times. By the end of the week you’ll know the verse and we’ll start over again the next week. Is it a deal? Are you up for the challenge?
Here’s the first verse for us to memorize:
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23
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