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Motivational Quote – Moving Obstacles

Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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  • Love it. And, thanks for the encouragement.

  • Jay says:

    I like it as well–especially as it's framed as being "most" of our obstacles. We're so often defeated by unnecessary fear of failure or defeat before we even venture a try. If we instead viewed every attempt as a learning opportunity (that we sometimes manage to get right), rather than a risk of exposing our imperfection, just think of the things we could create and the people we could become!

  • Kyle Reed says:

    I Like it and needed to hear it.

  • Jon says:

    I think this quote sounds really good, but not sure how well it would work in the real world. I agree that boldly walking through the obstacle would most likely get rid of it, but we might also end up without a job or a marriage or some other essential thing depending on what the obstacle is. And not that we should cower before it, but bold doesn't always work

    Motivational quotes are only as good as the perspective of the person who came up with them, Perfect example, if you are familiar with it, is the 212 degree thing. It basically goes like this: at 211 degrees water is hot, at 212, water boils and creates steam that can move a train. The gist of the concept is one little extra bit of effort can turn an ordinary thing into something powerful. While this is true, it completely leaves out the other outcome of steam; that you can get burned; 'nuff said ๐Ÿ™‚