About this time of year, we reflect on those things for which we are thankful.
It’s a great practice.
When we were raising our boys we carved out time during the holidays to share each of our own “Top 10 Thankful List” for the year.
We probably should do the practice more often.
In my time of reflection this morning, a sobering question came to my mind.
Do my expenditures of time and energy match the items on my list of things I say I am most thankful for?
Does what I say I’m most thankful for in my life mirror my calendar, my checkbook (or credit card) or the places where I put my best efforts to do well?
Am I investing most and best into the things, the people, the missions, the causes, which I believe have the greatest eternal values?
Do the people I love the most get to enjoy the best of me?
Wow! Those are sobering questions, aren’t they?
Thanksgiving begins a great season of celebration, joy and reflection heading towards a New Year.
This period provides a great opportunity to evaluate our priorities, realign our life direction, and even create new and better paths toward the things we really value in life.
I believe I have some more reflecting to do.
How about you?