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Discerning the Season of Your Life

As I write this, we are supposedly in spring on the calendar, but today is a cold day. There is actually snow in the forecast this week. A couple weeks ago we had several inches of snow on the ground.

Like the saying goes in my part of the world, “If you don’t like the weather now, stick around, it will change.”

Seasons. They come and they go. Sometimes quickly.

Life is like that.

Life happens in seasons.

Ecclesiastes says there’s a time for everything. Everything has a season.

Good seasons. Bad seasons.

Productive seasons. Growth seasons. And, seasons of decline.

Seasons of mourning. Grief. Seasons of laughter. Jubilee.

Seasons where there are more obstacles than opportunities. Often followed by seasons where we can’t seem to find time for all the opportunities presented to us.

There are seasons of stretching, where God seems to shape something new in our hearts. And, we often don’t know what that new is until we enter yet another season.

Seasons of passionate, growing love. And, tough seasons, where love is tested.

Seasons you’re more the leader and seasons where you’re more being led.

Seasons of blessings. And, seasons of wondering where are all those blessings others seem to be experiencing.

There are seasons of discovery and seasons where we get to invest what we have discovered in others – all while we keep discovering something new.

As parents, we have lots of seasons. The seasons where we never seem to have a break and you can’t get everything done and the kids are driving you crazy some days and you just need one good night’s rest. And, then seasons where the house seems empty and you long for a cluttered floor of toys again.

Seasons. Life happens in seasons.

What’s your current season?

It’s important to understand seasons occur and to know what season in which you are currently living.

When we don’t understand this concept of seasons – especially in the bad seasons – we can begin to believe seasons never change. We may stop trusting. Stop dreaming. Stop taking risks.

But, life comes in seasons. Seasons do change. Sometimes quickly. And, sometimes seasons overlap each other.

When we find ourselves in a good season, especially an extended good season, we can start to take the season for granted. We may even forget seasons change. Sometimes quickly. And, so we aren’t prepared.

Take a minute and reflect: What season of life you are currently experiencing?

Review your life by how the seasons have molded you. God never wastes a season. Ask God to place in your heart what He wants you to learn during this specific season of your life. Invite God to speak into your seasons.

Life happens in seasons.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Very nice reminders, Ron. We're in the empty next season where we're dishing out college cash. Most of the valuable lessons I've learned my first 25 years in ministry have come as a result of recognizing the seasons. Thanks for your post today.
1 reply · active 460 weeks ago
Thanks for sharing. Its important we keep reflecting and learning. Nice post.
Daniel Winiger's avatar

Daniel Winiger · 511 weeks ago

I just read your expose on the fact that the lord allows more than we can handel. I am a chaplain in a lcoal hospital and agree with you whole hardedly. I heard this phrase too many times and it is said not by the sufferer but those who seek to be of comfort. Thanks for your insight and honesty and pointing us to our dependence on God but also on our faith community.
1 reply · active 511 weeks ago
Thank you for your service to hurting people. God bless.
Dana Prine's avatar

Dana Prine · 210 weeks ago

I'm in A mourning season I lost my Mother Dec.3,2020 it's bee the most hardest thing I've ever had to deal with she is gone to be with the Lord but just couldn't understand how she had to go the way she did in such isolation we couldn't see or go kiss her its been absolutely gutrehing

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