Tweet Here are twenty random words associated with leadership… Purpose Integrity Values Strategy Principles Humility Passion Delegation Empowerment Sincerity Risk Confidence Commitment Wisdom People Honesty Compassion Sensitivity Determination Courage Plus…
Tweet There are two ways to ensure you always agree with your senior leadership: 1. Follow someone just like you… (Ever found that person?) 2. Be the senior leader… 🙂…
Tweet The world and all its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17 NIV Some of my best growth times…
Tweet Are your children a bridge or a wedge in your marriage? Wedge: Many parents allow children to be a wedge between them. They have separate discipline policies, differing goals…
Tweet This week, I want to encourage you to do something special with the memory verse. Write it on an index card or something similar. Place it where you will…
Tweet Disclaimer: This is an opinion post…not a doctrinal statement. In my experience, many believers have one sin that causes the majority of problems in their life… It could be: Pride…
Tweet This is a hard post to write, because I typically don’t do “favorites”, but I’ve thought a lot recently about worship. That always floods my mind with memories of…
Tweet The leader’s private life… The leader’s marriage… The leader’s family life… The leader’s physical health… The leader’s emotional health… The leader’s spiritual health… Impacts the leader…which naturally impacts the…
Tweet To keep momentum going…you have to continually upgrade! Georgia-Pacific is an International company with over 300 manufacturing facilities and 40,000 employees. They have products from building products to paper…
Tweet I could battle an addiction to pornography… There I said it… I hate to admit it, but I must… Now, let me explain… I’m not an addict… I’m not…