Tweet I continue to share this week I”m sharing an interview I did recently with leadership master and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar. If you missed part 1, click HERE or part…
Tweet This week I”m sharing an interview I did recently with leadership master and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar. If you missed part 1, click HERE. My questions are in bold,…
Tweet I had the privilege of having a pastoral intern this summer. Dan Dominguez is a student at Moody Bible Institute and a good friend of my son Nate, who…
Tweet Zig Ziglar! The man! John Maxwell pays tribute to Zig Ziglar in his book “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect.” He heard Zig at a seminar say, “You can have everything…
Tweet R E V E R S A L – N E E D E D Sometimes I think we emphasize the wrong things… What if we reversed a few…
Tweet Over time the rug becomes lumpy… And you may just trip over it. Is there some conflict in your life you need to address before it becomes lumpy?
Tweet Suicide sucks! I realize this is a heavy issue for this blog, but seriously, I have had to sit with people several times after a loved one committed suicide….
Tweet Over the years, the Psalms have ministered to me during hard times perhaps more than any other Scripture. I like to find a Psalm that speaks to me, encourages…
Tweet In less than one minute, this video from Scott Belsky is brilliant. Watch him explain how to revitalize a project that has plateaued. Can you put this idea to work?…
Tweet In an organizational sense… Here is a 7 step roadmap to success for a team: Have a big God-given dream… Get a clear vision of what success would look…