This week, I want to encourage you to do something special with the memory verse. Write it on an index card or something similar. Place it where you will see it every morning…perhaps like a mirror where you get ready. Read it a few times everyday. Then pray it as a prayer.
Here is this week’s memory verse:
Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Psalm 57:5
See how it shapes your attitude each day this week.
As an added bonus, watch this video and sing it in the form of a song:
If you are a person who uses computer, tablet or smartphone as an extension of your brain, consider putting the text to be memorized on the opening screen, background and/or screensaver of your device. So much better than yellow post-its lying around in the wrong places at the wrong time.
Thanks for these every week Ron. It is much appreciated. Love the addition of the video!
Thank you. That's great to hear!