Tweet There are many leaders I admire who have influenced my own leadership. I admire the teachings on leadership by guys like John Maxwell, Andy Stanley, and Patrick Lencioni. There…
Tweet There are many leaders I admire who have influenced my own leadership. I admire the teachings on leadership by guys like John Maxwell, Andy Stanley, and Patrick Lencioni. There…
You’ve heard silence is golden…and that’s true…
…but sometimes silence can also be deadly…
Especially in a team environment…organizational structure…relationship setting…
When working on a project, implementing change, planning for the future…
Tweet I am a runner. When my knees are good I have been known to run as many as 6 days a week. When I run I am serious about…
Tweet Whenever I talk about firing people in ministry I create a great deal of interest. Some feel it makes the church seem too much like a business. I get…
Tweet This is a difficult post – about a difficult issue. It is one we don’t necessarily like to talk about in the church, but sometimes we must. I came…
When I was in school I had a love-hate relationship with math. I loved doing math, working to find an answer to a problem, but I hated having to solve it with the teacher’s methods. On tests I would do poorly if the teacher made us “show our work”. I could get the right answers, but using my own systems. I realize the teacher’s need to make sure I wasn’t cheating and that I knew how to think through a process but I wanted to invent my own process. The years I was on the math team and did best were when I had teachers who allowed me the freedom to do it my way.
Successful leaders understand this principle as it relates to organizational success.
Tweet Here are 12 random leadership axioms in less than 140 characters each. Some people will only support change after it’s proven to be a success. They are the same…
Tweet As a result of this blog, I receive emails regularly from staff members of other churches or non-profit organizations. There is usually a question they have about leadership, but…
That really leaves me with one question for you: How are you allowing your “one days” to shape your life? Is there something in your life you know you need to be doing, some change of direction you need to make, some new commitment, but so far, you have not been obedient to what you know to do? Could this be a day you surrender to the will of God for your life? Will this be the day you begin to head your life in the direction you actually want it to end? Will the resolve you make today carry you towards the vision you have for your life?
Tweet Finding family balance in a busier than ever world – it’s tough. It has to be one of the most frequently asked questions I get from other pastors and…