Tweet It’s Christmas time again. Seems to come every year about this time. The most wonderful time of the year. There’ll be parties for hosting Marshmallows for toasting And caroling…
Tweet It’s Christmas time again. Seems to come every year about this time. The most wonderful time of the year. There’ll be parties for hosting Marshmallows for toasting And caroling…
Tweet Sadly, as someone who works with a lot of marriages, I see more and more of them going through the routines of marriage without really enjoying the journey. At…
It has been a couple weeks since I dropped our youngest son Nate off at college. He is attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Our oldest son is a senior at Austin Peay State University and is living at home to save money this last year. Nate is our first to change cities of residence and he is 8 hours from home. In the process of him leaving I have learned a few things:
Tweet In my career, I work with a lot of people in a lot of settings. You might say my job involves a lot of relationships. In the process, I…
Tweet You said this… They heard this… It meant this much to you… It meant this much to them…. Your words are powerful As a parent As a leader As…
Tweet Whenever I post about the subject of introversion I hear from fellow introverts. Some of these are apparently even more introverted than me. And, that’s a lot of introversion….
Tweet Twenty things good dads do… They challenge. When the challenge comes from dad we listen seriously. We know its being said with a loving concern. They inspire. Great dads…
Tweet Mother Is there a sweeter word in the English language? Maybe your word is: Mom Maybe your word is: Momma Or, many of the tousands of words in any…
Tweet I have done a few too many funerals for children when the parents are still living. Every funeral is difficult, but these are some of the hardest. One teenager…
Tweet I get asked frequently by young leader what I would you attribute most to my success in business, ministry or life. Great question. I love people who think. It…