Is there a sweeter word in the English language?
Maybe your word is:
Maybe your word is:
Or, many of the tousands of words in any other language which comes with the same deep meaning and emotion.
Unconditional love.
Sacrificial giving.
Forgiving easily.
Striving to provide perfect environments for others.
Incredible patience.
Strength beyond measure.
Always believing the best from and for her children.
A model and teacher of compassion.
Skilled for laughing at kid jokes – even those which aren’t even funny.
Accepting of others.
Stability during chaos.
A tender touch and a firm hug that never lets go – even when no longer physically together.
I’m always reminded of the mother’s heart who doesn’t have children of her own, but who displays the applied meaning of the word every single day.
Thank God for the mothers of the world.
What do you think of when you hear the word mother?