I want to give a tribute to the mother who has no children.
I’ve always been sensitive this time of year to the mothers without children.
You know the ones.
They never had children.
For whatever reason.
Some never tried.
Some never could.
Some tried, could, and lost their child.
And, for many it’s a hidden pain they carry deeply. Deeper than any wound. Deeper than most people ever understand. (Certainly deeper than I can understand.)
I’m reminded of Hannah’s pain in 1 Samuel 1.
They never had children, but they:
- Care for others sacrificially, simply for the joy of giving.
- Are willing to fight lions, tigers and bears (Oh my!) for the ones they love.
- Have more strength than the average man when caring for someone.
- Are taken advantage of because of their generosity.
- Love deeply and unconditionally.
- Make life special for others – just because.
- Find satisfaction in the simplest gestures of love.
- Strive to make the world a better place for those around them.
- Hide their pain – most of the time – when others take advantage of them.
- Are always thinking of others and willing to put others ahead of themselves.
Sounds like a mother to me.
Many of them wanted children — but they never were given the blessing. And, motherhood is a blessing. Just as all parenting is.
They have no children.
But, they have a mother’s heart.
They may not have children – not in the natural sense – but in heart -they are every bit a mother.
They love like a mother. They sacrifice like a mother. They serve like a mother. They give – just like a mother gives.
And, if God were to celebrate Mother’s Day, I think He would include them in the celebration.
Because in God’s way of doing things, it’s always about the heart.
“Man does not see what the LORD sees, for man sees what is visible, but the LORD sees the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)
This year, as you celebrate Mother’s Day, don’t forget the mother who has no children.
While you’re at it, don’t forget the one whose mother isn’t here any longer. And, the one who has a hard story with their mother. And, all the others who – as one celebrates – another weeps.
Let’s be sensitive to the needs of others.
That sounds like something worthy to celebrate on such a wonderful day!
I’m so glad I came upon this. Very well written. Love it. Thank you.
I just came upon this, as tears stream down my face. It’s something I deal with, everyday. I knew since I was a young child, that I wanted to be a Mother. It never occurred to me, that it might not happen. Chronic illness, nabbed me in my twenties. Again, I thought I would be cured. That didn’t happen. Now I just watch the joy of other people, with their children. Thank you for posting this. It’s all so very true.
I love this, so very true, I tried for so long for a baby and eventually a miracle happened. Time heals to a certain degree but you always yearn for ones you've lost or couldn't have. My blog has more insight into this for anyone interested.
Thanks this is my wife. Loves kids we both do, but none naturally our own. We have many in heart.
Thank you!! Your post brought tears to my eyes. I am one of those who always wanted to be a mom, but circumstances in life have dictated otherwise….
Thank you. Praying for you now.
God bless you for this message!
Thank you! For a woman with no children this day can be so difficult. For many it's incomprehensible that being not married means that you won't have children. Especially when you are a teacher – "You love children so why don't you have them?" It's the age of the single moms apparently.
So thank you for this post!
Thank you. Praying for you today.
As a pastor’s wife without children, I thank you for your thoughtfulness. Some have called me selfish for not having children, but you understand there is more to the story of why some women do not have children. Thank you…
Thank you. God bless you today and protect your heart.