Tweet Some policies are written for all the wrong reasons. In her book “Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands”, Nancy Ortberg talks about the need to differentiate between “a tension…
Tweet Some policies are written for all the wrong reasons. In her book “Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands”, Nancy Ortberg talks about the need to differentiate between “a tension…
Tweet There are leadership bottlenecks all leaders need to avoid. When we owned a small manufacturing company I had to learn the language of the field. I obviously had heard…
Tweet Leader, do you step in to rescue or allow it to fail? I try to create a leadership culture where failure is considered a part of the learning process….
Bad leadership is bad leadership. It’s usually easy to recognize.
It’s easier, however, to hide bad leadership in an organization, which isn’t growing. (I wrote recently that it’s easy to keep an organization small. Read that post HERE.)
The larger an organization becomes and the more growth, which occurs, the more bad leadership becomes apparent.
As an organization grows:
Tweet Most leaders will have occasions of worry. Worry is an emotion. You can know all the principles of leadership and still struggle with occasional worry. I would love to…
Tweet There has been a big communication barrier on every team I have led. Yet, it is often overlooked. Most effective teams at some point will do a personality assessment…
Tweet Being in a leadership position is no guarantee we are leading. Holding the title of leader isn’t an indication one actually leads. I have a whole chapter on this topic…
Tweet Perception is often reality for a leader. Over the years, I have learned how a team sees you as a leader is often more important than who you really…
Tweet Leadership can be expensive. If we desire to be leaders it will likely cost us something – maybe even something we value greatly. There are high costs of leadership…
Tweet People follow leaders they trust. So, building and maintaining trust is critical to good leadership. Thankfully, there are ways to earn trust as a leader. I’ve found trust develops…