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Team Leadership

Fostering an Attitude of Team Spirit (Whatever it Takes)

By Business, Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

One of the most damaging expressions in a team environment is the phrase “that’s not my job” or “that’s not my area of responsibility”. Thankfully I have never heard that said at Grace Community Church. Sadly it is far too common in organizations that claim to be a team environment. I talk with people on staffs frequently who feel they are on an island by themselves within the organization and no one ever helps them think through a problem, recruit volunteers for their area, or lend a hand during crunch times.

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Innovative Ministry Leader: Don’t Miss This Opportunity

By Church, Church Planting, Leadership, Team Leadership

At the same time, our church has continued to grow and the needs for our ministries are greater than ever. This season has forced us to find ways to do more with less. We need to continue to train our people, learn new ways of doing things and keep up with current trends, but we can no longer afford to attend all the conferences we once could.

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Tribute to Small Group Leaders

By Church, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

The best life, community and spiritual growth happens at Grace Community Church within the context of our small group ministry. We have some amazing leaders of our small groups. I’m always encouraged by their willingness to sacrifice part of them to invest in other people. I know each of them would say, however, that they receive far more in return than they give up. Serving others is like that.

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