Tweet There is one critical leadership error most leaders make at some point. I make it frequently. If you’re leading you probably do also. The critical leadership error: Forgetting people…
Tweet There is one critical leadership error most leaders make at some point. I make it frequently. If you’re leading you probably do also. The critical leadership error: Forgetting people…
Tweet What are some indications your team is dysfunctional? Chances are, if you’ve served on very many teams, you’ve served on a dysfunctional one. There are no perfect teams. And…
Tweet I have a simple leadership principle. Don’t address the HOW you are going to do something until you decide WHAT you are going to do. Or if you’re even…
Tweet Clarity is king in organizational dynamics. Words matter and clear communication is vital for healthy teams. As hard as it is for me to zero in on one idea,…
Tweet One of the greatest challenges I have as a senior leader is to regularly communicating the personal vision I own in my head. The reality is people on our…
Tweet As a leader, I need to be listening to different voices. One of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen leaders make is forgetting everyone doesn’t think like us. I have…
Tweet Healthy organizations maintain an unchanging vision they sustain long-term. One way they do so, however, is with a willingness to change their organizational structure as needed. If the structure…
Tweet In making a first impression the little things matter, so I once did an experiment. When a visitor shows up on one of our church campuses for the first…
Tweet We should welcome constructive feedback as a leader. I remember an especially hard year for me as a leader. It was so bad several members of our staff had…
Tweet There are some things that annoy me (most) in leading people. They almost always involve the ways people misuse or even abuse their leadership power. But also the way…