Tweet One struggle I’ve witnessed consistently with leaders – including this one – is we drown in information overload. There are more good ideas than we can ever implement. We…
Tweet I once received an email: Ron, a question for you. If you had to pass one and only one leadership principle to others leaders, what would that one principle…
Tweet I love team dynamics and organizational structures. I have written many times about what makes a healthy team, my expectations of team members, and elements to build health into…
Tweet As leaders, we all want to limit the risk in the hard decisions we make. Personally, whenever we are about to make a major change or launch some new…
I love organizational leadership and I am happy to serve on a healthy team. It’s amazing how many church leaders I know that say their team is not healthy. Recently I started wondering why it is that I claim our team is healthy and it led me to this post. Here, in my opinion, are 10 elements of a healthy organization:
Tweet In John Maxwell’s book “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect: What the Most Effective People Do Differently”. Maxwell claims, “Connectors live what they communicate”. The people who learn to connect with…
Tweet In making decisions whether or not to take on a new project, adopt a new stance, or move forward in a new direction I like to discern whether it…
Tweet I’ve noticed this principle so many times in my own leadership and in working with other leaders. The more prepared I am to face a situation the less stress…
Tweet This post – posted several years ago – prompted a book. A publishing friend, who had been encouraging me to write a book for years, read this post and…
It has been a couple weeks since I dropped our youngest son Nate off at college. He is attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. Our oldest son is a senior at Austin Peay State University and is living at home to save money this last year. Nate is our first to change cities of residence and he is 8 hours from home. In the process of him leaving I have learned a few things: