Tweet I get asked frequently how I am able to get so much done and still take care of myself and my family. I pastor a large church. I maintain…
Tweet Some of life’s greatest lessons come packaged in a hard personal experience. I’ve learned a few things in life, but truly, the greatest things I know came through mistakes,…
Tweet The verdict appears mixed among the people I know of whether of not they make resolutions for a new year. And, I understand, many have tried before – it…
Tweet Many people tell me they don’t make resolutions, because they don’t work. They can’t seem to keep them. And, apparently it’s true. Every year I see the same reports…
Tweet and find out what pleases the Lord. Ephesians 5:10 NIV One of my life goals has been to get to a blank piece of paper stage in my walk…
Tweet One of my goals in ministry is to help protect the ministers and their family. Through this blog I reach thousands of men and women who serve God in…
Tweet The longer I’m in leadership, the more I realize I don’t always fully know the real health of my team or organization at any given time – at least…
Tweet I have a few warnings for those who want to be a senior leader. I should probably first say, should you choose to do so, I�ll be one of…
Tweet Leader, let me share one of the best things you can do to better empower your team. And, in full disclosure, I’m the worst at this, but it’s something…
Tweet This is a guest post by Kevin Cloud, pastor and author of God and Hamilton: Spiritual Lessons From The Life of Alexander Hamilton & The Broadway Musical He Inspired….