Some of life’s greatest lessons come packaged in a hard personal experience.
I’ve learned a few things in life, but truly, the greatest things I know came through mistakes, failures and disappointments.
Here are 10 hard to learn life lessons:
- A “lesson in humility” teaches far more than an “ego boost”.
- Often, in my experience, what I don’t want to do is the very thing I need to do the most.
- The best friends sometimes say the hardest things to hear.
- Sometimes it’s not until you give up the right to control that a breakthrough comes.
- People are more honest with you if they can predict your reaction.
- We hurt most the ones we love the most.
- Very few people can really comply with “don’t tell anyone”.
- You never get a second chance at a first impression.
- God’s way is better than my own.
- Rebuilding trust is more difficult than keeping established trust.
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