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Organizational Leadership

What to do if employees don’t respond?

By Business, Innovation, Leadership, Organizational Leadership

This is a great question. I would encourage you to survey your employees to make sure you have the environment you think you have. If this is not realistic, perhaps you could bring in an outside perspective, such as a consultant or a friend who knows your organization well and understands these principles. Once you have done that, ask these questions about the employees who refuse to take initiative:

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Does Your Organization Produce Innovative Leaders or Managed Followers?

By Business, Innovation, Leadership, Organizational Leadership

A friend of mine called recently to discuss his business. He wants his employees to assume more ownership for their work and take more initiative on their own, without having to be asked to do something. He wants to lead an organization that produces innovative leaders, not a bunch of managed followers. Knowing a little about his workplace, I asked him an important question. “Have you created an environment conducive to produce the kind of employees you say you want?”

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Orientation By Wilderness Experience (Could It Work For Your Team?)

By Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership, Vision, Youth

Taylor, one of my 18 year-old son Nate’s best friends, is going to Wheaton University this fall. I am excited that he will be an hour away from Nate who will be at Moody Bible College. I wrote a blog about their friendship a couple months ago. Read that post HERE. I had coffee this morning with Taylor, because he is leaving this weekend for an extended and unusual college orientation.

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Developing Your Personal Leadership Style

By Business, Leadership, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

Leaders should not use individuality as an excuse for inadequacy. Excellence should be a standard for all leaders. There are key leadership principles, especially Biblical principles that no leader can ignore, but the goal should never be to carbon copy another’s leadership style. Just as every individual is unique in his or her personality, every leader will have uniqueness in his or her leadership style. Great leaders figure out the style that works best for them to produce the greatest results.

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Leadership Requires Guts

By Leadership, Organizational Leadership

The call to leadership often requires making difficult decisions no one else is willing to make. Over the years I have observed people that call themselves leaders, but who easily give up when difficult times come to the organization. Leaders should strive to structure the organization to weather storms, but in any organization there will be times when hard decisions have to be made and a leader must be willing to make them for the good of the organization.

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When An Organization or Business Can Be Inflexible

By Business, Leadership, Organizational Leadership

The vision or end goal or an organization or business should be consistent, but the way the vision is reached should for the mostly be flexible. As demands of consumers or clients change, as the economy changes, or if improvements need to be made to the existing methods of reaching the defined vision, an organization or business needs to be flexible enough to tweak the way it attempts to reach its set goals.

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Guest Post: Creating Systems For Worship Teams

By Church Planting, Organizational Leadership, Team Leadership

I decided my 18 year-old son’s latest post was important enough to steal it from him. I only wish I had written this first. Great thoughts. Nate has led in our student worship area for the last couple years and done an amazing job. Our church is going to miss him this fall as he begins his college days at Moody Bible College in Chicago. You can follow Nate’s thoughts at his blog Moons from Burma.

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