Tweet I’m a huge proponent of moving forward. I’ve never been a fan of remaining in the past. This could be because I’ve had some past I’d rather not remember….
Tweet Tragedy is all around us. It’s on the news every night — and all throughout the day. We talk about it at the dinner table. And, as fun and…
Tweet Some lessons you learn the hard way in life and leadership. Take for example a recent principle I posted about attributes of a maturing leader. I shared that a…
Tweet I was talking with with a pastor recently. He has made some decisions he feels are best for the church. In listening to him, I think he’s probably making…
Tweet This post is written to my wife. It could be to anyone married to a pastor. It’s hard work. In fact, I’ve said this before, but the spouse of…
Tweet I love working with younger leaders. It keeps me young and it helps to know I’m investing in something and someone who will likely last beyond my lifetime. I…
One of my Top Posts of 2010 was a post entitled 10 Characteristics of Good Leadership. As I was typing it into the year-end review I “mistakenly” typed in the word “God” instead of the word “Good”. I decided to let this “mistake” become a post of it’s own. I’ve written before 10 Reasons I Admire the Leadership Principles of Jesus and 10 Tips to Doing Leadership the Jesus Way, but in this post, it would be ways I should lead if I am leading in a God-inspired way.
Using my Evernote application, I quickly captured the first 10 characteristics that came to mind…Basically I asked myself, if a person was leading the way God would inspire him or her, how would he or she lead? (I’m hoping you’ll add to my list.)
Here are 10 Characteristics of God Leadership:
Tweet From Acts 16, I think this is one of the best messages Nate Edmondson has delivered in our church. How should believers respond in pain – and what difference…
My encouragement, especially to the parents of younger children, is to instill the values you have for your children when they are very young, while you still have control, then move to less control and more protection of their hearts through their teenage years. If you have trained them well and they know you love them, then they will continue to honor your influence over them later in life.
Tweet Dear Lord, grow our love for You daily. Dear Lord, help us to love each other unconditionally. Dear Lord, allow us to respect one another in an empowering way….