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Church Planting

Waiting For What’s Next Doesn’t Mean You Do Nothing

By Business, Church Planting, Devotional, Encouragement, Faith, Jesus, Life Plan

Inactivity rarely produces anything…
Waiting on God doesn’t always mean doing nothing…

Jesus said, “My time has not yet come” (John 2:4)… He was in a time of waiting…yet He continued to act on what He could do…

Do what you know to do today…
Take initiative towards change you know you should make…

In Joshua 3 they had to get in the water before it started to part…You may have to get in the water first, before you start to see results…

Create action…it is often then God begins to reveal the destination He is taking you towards…

What action do you need to take today?

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Balancing the “Big Deals” Within an Organization – A Challenge of Senior Leadership

By Business, Church, Church Planting, Church Revitalization, Leadership, Organizational Leadership

Frankly, finding that balance has always been difficult for me, and at times in the life of the organization, one area does require greater attention than other areas. The key for me is to always keep the big picture in my mind of what we are trying to accomplish, while recognizing the individual contribution, each area needs to bring to that success. I can never allow one area to cloud out my perspective of the other areas.

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