Wow! I love this idea. I need to clarify I had nothing to do with it and didn’t know about it until I read it on one of our staff member’s blog, but I’m so proud of our team!
Myers Briggs is one of the most recognized personality assessments available and widely used to help people understand themselves and others better. I have used Myers Briggs to help marriages and organizations learn to communicate more effectively and have stronger working relationships. Myers Briggs is a preference assessment, and while no assessment can typecast a person, it can be a very helpful tool.
Today was one of the hardest days in ministry that I’ve had in many months, yet it was a confirming day at the same time. Let me explain.
Cheryl Smith is an author, speaker and consultant who understands the power of social media. As an online friend, Cheryl has inspired me with her leadership and networking skills. Cheryl is consistently connecting me with other pastors she feels would mesh well with me. She’s always right. I suspect she does this for others also.
I wonder about the Queen of Sheba who went to visit King Solomon. She had heard of his great wisdom and when she arrived, she realized that Solomon was far wiser than she had even imagined. I wonder if she was more popular when she went home, because she had been to see the “wise one”. That’s what leaders do, isn’t it? They search out wisdom. They try to find answers. They seek knowledge.
It’s a great story and I hope you will read it again. My purpose of this post is not the main theme of the story; my focus is the little boy. We tend to read this story for the purposes of David and Jonathan, and while they are certainly central characters in God’s story, so was the little boy.
This year, after years of encouragement, I finally published some of those devotionals into a book. Today (again after much encouragement), I decided to give copies away on this week’s Free Fridays. I will give away five (5) copies today.
I’m participating in a long, massive blog post project Stuff Christians Like is conducting. It’s called the “Is that contestant on American Idol a Christian Scorecard”….
Kent Shaffer is an influencer, a creative genius, and apparently never sleeps. One of the best church leadership blogs I follow is Church Relevance. It is considered an honor to be considered for one of Kent’s lists of top churches or top Christian blogs. He is the co-founder of Acre Scout, which helps connect buyers to commercial real estate, including churches. He is an active part of He consults regularly for churches and ministries wanting to become more effective and efficient. You can follow Kent on Twitter HERE.
I have talked to dozens of marriages in need of help, but the couples are too ashamed or proud to ask for it or accept it. Somehow, I think if we admitted that all marriages struggle at times, it would help the ones in trouble to seek the help they need.