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What Do You Do to Relax?

By Culture, Encouragement, Family, Marriage

I’m away for a few days relaxing with Cheryl and another couple. We are at a beach, eating well, and doing basically nothing. I will spend some time reading, running, and writing…because that’s relaxing to me.

I thought I’d use this as an opportunity to ask the question:

What do you do to relax?

What’s a normal relaxation experience like…the kind you do often (hopefully)? What is a dream relaxation experience (the kind you plan and budget for)?

Go! Share!

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Perfect Love Can Overcome Fear

By Encouragement, Faith, Family, Fear, Jesus, Marriage

Such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of judgment, and this shows that His love has not been perfected in us. 1 John 4:18 NLT

Evidently, according to this verse, if we could have perfect love for God, we could get rid of all fear. The challenge comes in having perfect love.

I’m not sure I understand the concept completely, especially as it relates to a God I cannot see, but the best way I know of is to compare what I don’t understand to something I do understand.

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If a Wife Wants to Encourage a Husband

By Encouragement, Marriage

I keep this note, attached to this picture, on my desk at the office. When I look at it, I’m inspired to dream bigger dreams, work harder, make better choices, and press on throughout all difficulties.

Ladies, we are pretty simple as men….seriously…we are…if you want us to soar, tell us you are proud of us. Tell us you believe in us! Tell us we are great at what we do!

That’s about all it takes!

Men, do you agree?

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We’ll Do Radical Things for the Ones We Love

By Encouragement, Family, Jesus

Our oldest son Jeremy beat me to the shower Sunday morning. He graduated from college last year and works in Nashville, staying there during the week and coming home on weekends. Normally he sleeps late and attends Grace Community Church, but this morning he was up early…way early…so he could meet a friend for breakfast back in Nashville.

Why? You see, Jeremy is a relationship king. He loves people. If it involves a friend or his fiance Mary he will gladly alter his plans, even if it comes at an “inconvenience”.

It was odd timing that Jeremy provided me with this illustration.

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One Place I Receive Motivation

By Children, Encouragement, Family, Life Plan, Parenting

I always joke that Cheryl keeps pictures on her desk so she can look at the ones she loves, but I keep pictures on my desk so I don’t forget the people I love. (Don’t email me…it’s a joke…kinda!) Seriously, men and women are wired differently. I’m convinced there’s never a moment Cheryl is not thinking about her family. That’s why she’s so much better at remember special occasions and where we keep our favorite socks!

It’s not that I love Cheryl or the boys less than she loves us, but most men are more task-oriented than we are relationally oriented. When I’m in a zone of work, I’m not usually thinking about anything else. Sometimes though I like to stop, turn from my laptop, and receive motivation for why I do what I do. Apart from giving God glory with my life, my greatest motivation is to leave a strong legacy for my wife and two boys.

Today I was deep in thought, but I turned around and saw this picture. It was the spark I need to keep pushing forward.

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Costa Rica Report, Part 5 (Seeking Wisdom)

By Church, Culture, Encouragement, Family, Missions

Our team of 5 men built and repaired a fence during our Costa Rica mission trip this week. We worked well together, developed great systems, and shared the same work ethics.

The generally agreed upon leader of our team was a man old enough to be my father. I know that, because he has a son my age. This trip Jay invested in me! What a blessing that has been!

I grew up most of my life without…

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Friday Discussion: How Are You at Saying No?

By Culture, Family, Leadership

One of the greatest improvements you can make to your leadership and possibly your life is to learn when and how to say “No”. That’s a tough challenge for me. I’m a doer and a people helper. I like to say “Yes” if at all possible. The reality is, however, than when I say yes to one thing I am ultimately saying no to something else. Often that “something else” has a higher potential for greater good. When I say no to another meeting and yes to my family, for example, I’m investing in God’s greatest gift to me.

It’s a constant challenge, but it’s a battle worth winning.

Today I’ve got a couple of simple questions…

Are you more inclined to say “Yes” or more inclined to say “No”?

Does it bother you to say “No”?

Bonus question: What helpful hints do you have for learning to say “No”?

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Costa Rica Report, Part 4 (Spending Time with a Daughter)

By Culture, Family, Missions

What an amazing team we had on our Costa Rica mission trip! This was a light construction trip, helping with projects around an orphanage that is part of the Abraham Project. The group of 27 are some of the hardest working individuals I know. We did what may have been considered mundane work, but everyone always had a smile, there were no ill moods displayed, and we all realized we were playing small parts in a bigger God story.

One of my favorite parts of the week was spending it with my future daughter Mary. Mary will be officially joining our family May 27th when she marries our oldest son Jeremy. (We’ve claimed her as one of our own for many years, but I’ll feel better with a piece of paper!) Several months ago Mary brought up the fact that Grace Community Church was going to Costa Rica. She said if I would go she would go. How could I resist an offer like that?

This week, I’ve fallen more in love with our beautiful Mary. She’s kind, gentle, smart, mature, and hard-working. Mary reminds me of my wife Cheryl. She’s going to be a great wife and mother. (I’m throwing in that mother part hoping that makes it come true!)

Thank you Mary for accompanying me on this trip…and for making sure…

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