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12 Random Things I Learned from My Time with Rick Warren

By Christians, Church, Church Planting, Encouragement, Leadership, Missions

I had an awesome opportunity a few weeks ago to spend a couple hours with Rick Warren and a dozen or so other pastors. Rick was in town to speak to a conference and Ed Stetzer arranged for him to meet with us. Obviously, this man is bigger than life just because of the book, the publicity he has received, and the impact he has in the church world and society. He is becoming a statesman for the church around the world.

It was a humbling experience. I didn’t choose the seat of honor (I promise), but I ended up sitting next to him in the meeting. Rick talked randomly and conversationally with us and I took notes as fast as I could. There are so many principles I took from our time, but here are 12 random things I gleaned from the time: (Some are quotes…I put them in quotation marks…some are random points of information I heard from Rick’s talk.)

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One Piece of Advice for Want-To-Be Church Planters

By Church, Church Planting, Encouragement, Innovation, Leadership, Missions, Vision

One of my best rules (suggestions) for church planting is don’t try to be a lone ranger. That may work in western movies, but not in church planting. (And even he had Tonto…never understood that…)

If God is birthing a vision in you, the chances are great that He is birthing the same or similar vision in the hearts of others.

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God is Great, Lessons from Sierra Leone

By Church, God, Missions

When we were in Sierra Leone Africa earlier this summer we saw some of the most unique and beautiful beaches I have seen anywhere in the world. Interestingly, the people don’t seem to appreciate or enjoy the beauty they have right next to them as much as one would think they do. I can’t help but think if I had this beach in my backyard that I’d be on it frequently. We baptized people at the beach who lived a few hundred feet from the water yet had never been in it before.

On one trip to the beach, as I stood mesmerized by the beauty of perfect blue skies, sand, ocean waves, boulder-sized rocks and mountains in the background, I couldn’t help but ask a pastor friend how it all formed in his mind. The rocks that line the ocean appear to have developed by volcanic activity. I ask him if he knew the make-up of the rocks and how they formed…and if he knew of any volcanoes in the vicinity.

He looked at me with complete sincerity and said very simply, “God is great!”

I was quickly humbled in my search for answers and reminded of a few truths:

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Great Leaders around the World: Lessons from Sierra Leone

By Business, Church Planting, Culture, Encouragement, Leadership, Missions

In Brazil, often the drug lords gave us access into the slums in which we ministered. We were invited to do medical clinics, construction projects, and evangelism. Even though they never allowed visitors, since we could have reported their activities to police or warring gangs, they saw value in us ministering to their people. We even saw many of the drug lords come to a saving knowledge of salvation.

We saw that same type leadership in West Africa. Village chiefs, mostly belonging to religions very opposed to Christianity, allowed us to come into the village and spend time with their people. As a result, we saw many life changes occur.

I recognize both these examples as good leadership…

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Amazing Grace: A Story from Sierra Leone

By Christians, Encouragement, Faith, Jesus, Missions

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me… I have always loved that song. As one who has experienced so much grace in my life, no other song better captures my heart when I think of God’s love for me.

Chances are good you know the song and love it equally. Did you know it originated in Sierra Leone?

I learned during our time in Sierra Leone that the song was written in this country….

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Improving International Relations: Lessons Learned from Sierra Leone

By Culture, Encouragement, Missions

ne afternoon, because we were so close to the boarder of another country, our team stood with one foot in the country of Sierra Leone and one foot in the country of Guinea. In one step, we brought two countries together.

We made the short drive to the border of the two countries during our time in Sierra Leone. Our pastor friends simply asked a question of the Sierra Leone border officials. Could five crazy Americans step over the line into another country, just to say we had been there? The border officials considered the request, then casually walked across an international geographical border to the Guinea border officials and presented our request. Request granted. It was a simple as that. We caused no problems, shook hands with border officials in both countries, took our pictures and went on our way.

The thought occurred to me…

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Using Your Influence for Good: Lessons from Sierra Leone

By Children, Culture, Encouragement, Missions

Throughout our time in Sierra Leone children swarmed us every where we went, especially Daniel and Jesse, the youngest two on the trip. Their energy and enthusiasm with the children was highly contagious. They became almost like celebrities in every village.

At one point Jessie admitted she felt guilty for attracting such a crowd. She didn’t want people to think she was seeking personal attention or fame. Daniel agreed with the sentiment.

That’s when the thought occurred to me…

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Jesus Loves the Little Children: Reflection from Sierra Leone

By Children, Church, Encouragement, Family, Missions

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

I understand the heart of Jesus for children even more from my time in Sierra Leone.

The innocence of children was evident to us in every village we visited. The children would run to us, swarm around us, and follow our every move. They were sponges for the love of God. They were filled with joy and excitement…always seeming to anticipate more.

I was reminded that children are the future of this great country in Africa. The children of Sierra Leone…

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