Tweet Shortly after I arrived at our established church I began saying frequently, “I want to be a Kingdom-minded pastor”. The phrase seemed to catch some by surprise. They had…
Tweet Shortly after I arrived at our established church I began saying frequently, “I want to be a Kingdom-minded pastor”. The phrase seemed to catch some by surprise. They had…
When I was in school I had a love-hate relationship with math. I loved doing math, working to find an answer to a problem, but I hated having to solve it with the teacher’s methods. On tests I would do poorly if the teacher made us “show our work”. I could get the right answers, but using my own systems. I realize the teacher’s need to make sure I wasn’t cheating and that I knew how to think through a process but I wanted to invent my own process. The years I was on the math team and did best were when I had teachers who allowed me the freedom to do it my way.
Successful leaders understand this principle as it relates to organizational success.
Tweet Encouraging our church to be a disciple-making church. Here is Part 2. Follow Me – Discipleship part 2 from ron edmondson on Vimeo.
Tweet Some of my favorite trips or vacations are where I get to take a long run. Through parks, subdivisions, and back roads. But, my favorite runs always involve water…
Tweet I love pastors. I haven’t been a pastor throughout my career. In fact, I spent most of my career to this point in the business world. (I realize this…
Tweet We all know the stories of the once successful pastor or leader who flamed out too soon. It could be a moral failure or burnout, but they somewhere they…
Tweet One thing which has always come naturally to me and I love doing is connecting people with similar interests. I believe this is one of the best ways within…
Tweet A friend emailed me and asked for my “top 20 leadership tips”. They were doing a presentation on leadership and were asked to share 20 aspects of great leadership….
Tweet This is a requested guest post from Ministry Library. I don’t do these for profit. I only do then when I believe in the oppportunity. 4 Ways a Team…
Tweet When I was growing up I frequently heard the phrase. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Are people still saying it and I’m just…