Tweet Whenever I post about the subject of introversion I hear from fellow introverts. Some of these are apparently even more introverted than me. And, that’s a lot of introversion….
Tweet At the time of this writing, I have been married for ten months. It’s been an incredible ride with Christie, my wife, and I’m very lucky to have found…
Tweet Family and work can’t be balanced. The good news is that it’s not supposed to be. You heard me. It’s not in the Bible. Not one time in Scripture,…
Tweet I saw this on one of my mentor’s Facebook wall and felt it might be helpful to some of my ministry friends, so I asked his permission to share…
In addition to the normal celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, I love the energy that Easter brings to a church. That energy, if channeled correctly, can fuel a church beyond one day per year. The problem I see with many churches, however, is that they stop the work put into the Easter services a few days too early.
Tweet I have a theory of pastoring successfully today. To be a kingdom building pastor you MUST be a community building pastor. I admit “must” is a strong word –…
Tweet A Leadership Crisis of Belief Every leader at some point faces a crisis of belief in their leadership – or what her or she is attempting to lead. Questions…
Tweet For the last 30 years or so, I’ve attempted to listen to, obey and follow the voice of God. I have never heard it audibly but I have had…
Tweet I love principles. Perhaps this is one reason I spend so much time reading Proverbs. Principles aren’t always “guaranteed”, but they are often proven by time and experience. Principles…
Tweet Recently I came across a journal entry from January, 2005. I talked about some of the goals I had for the year and my progress and lack thereof towards…