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Ron Edmondson

7 Ways Fraternity Life Shaped Me For Ministry (Guest Post)

By Business, Church, Culture, Leadership

Recently I had the opportunity to meet with a group of my Sigma Chi fraternity brothers from college. Some of them I have seen, but not really connected with in twenty years. It was fun, good to remember old times, and reminded me that they had made positive impacts on my life. I was a crazy college student sometimes, but the experience has since been used for good many times.

Right after that hang out time, I Tweeted that I should write a post about what I learned in my fraternity days that helped prepare me for ministry. I got lots of reaction, but one in particular appeared to be it’s own post.

Ky Bishop is currently Pastor Of Ministries at Woodlands Church in Houston Texas where Kerry Shook is Senior Pastor. He’s been married 25 years to Terri and they have 3 sons ranging from 16 to 20 years of age. Ky lists his fraternity experience as Delta Tau Delta – UTA – 81

Here are 7 ways Ky’s fraternity experience prepared him for ministry:

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Just Be Glad It’s Not a Pumpkin

By Christians, Devotional, Encouragement, Funny, God

I don’t know where this story originated. If you are the author, let me know and I’ll give you proper credit. I heard it years ago and was reminded of it again today. It may seem a bit corny, but lately I’ve been in a corny mood.

Sometimes we are tempted to question God. I think that’s okay…I even did a whole sermon about that yesterday. I’ll post it later on this blog. In the end, however, we have to realize that God has answers we do not have.

This cute little story illustrates that principle well:

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Great Leaders Don’t Take Opportunities Just Because They Can

By Business, Church Planting, Innovation, Leadership

Part of being a good leader is not taking opportunities even though you can. Sometimes letting your staff do something you could do, maybe even would like to do, is a better for the entire team.

When we launched our church eleven couples took a risk on a dream we felt God was leading us to pursue. We empowered this core team to do things the way they felt best doing them, as long as they were achieving the vision we knew God was calling us to achieve. We encouraged them to explore new ideas, become experts in their field of interest, and then released them to dream and build. It became part of our DNA and we are still allowing people to explore new opportunities.

For example,

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The Speed of Light

By Christians, Devotional, Encouragement, God

How great is God–beyond our understanding! The number of His years is past finding out. Job 36:26

I remember some time ago reading that a scientist believes they have actually sent light faster than the “speed of light”…or …at least what they thought to be the speed of light. I read the article and I have to admit, although I didn’t understand it completely, I was impressed with their research.

Do you know, however, what the story didn’t tell me?

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10 Tweets that Didn’t Make the Cut

By Culture, Funny

Contrary to popular opinion I don’t Tweet everything I think about. I’m a random thinker, so there are many times I think of something, but decide, for whatever reason, it’s not Tweet-worthy.

Don’t believe me? I decided to capture a list of times I decided not to tweet something over a couple days. (That’s another value of Evernote. Read my post about it HERE and never lose an idea…or a Tweet!)

Here are 10 tweets that didn’t make the cut, followed in parenthesis by an explanation of why I didn’t send it:

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7 Funniest Verses in the Bible (Plus One)

By Christians, Funny, Jesus

I have often chuckled when I’ve read the following verses. I’m not trying to be irreverent and hope this is not offensive, but sometimes I read the stories in the Bible and I see the humanity of people. I can hear myself making some of these statements. It brings a smile to my face and I can’t help but laugh.

Here are 7 of the funniest verses I have read in Scripture:

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Was I Thinking Of You This Morning?

By Christians, Church Planting, Encouragement, Faith, Fear, Vision

I was thinking about you this morning. Maybe not you specifically, but I was thinking of someone like you…that is if you are someone who is sitting on the sidelines afraid to pursue your God-given dreams, watching the world pass you by. Was I thinking of you?

Maybe it’s because I encounter many people at their point of desperation…when they are tempted to give up…

It could be because I’m wired to dream big dreams…or because I’ve been sidelined for a time…watching everyone else pursuing their dreams except me…

But, for whatever the reason, I continually sense the need to encourage people to move forward with their dreams and aspirations.

Have you thought lately about the legacy you are leaving? Will you leave a legacy of having followed the dreams you had for your life?

If that’s your desire for a legacy…you may have to:

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